Chan Chan, an archaeological site built in dry earth (adobe), is the largest adobe city in America and the second largest in the world.
Capital of the pre-Inca culture, the Chimu developed on the northern coast of Peru, a culture rich in fine goldsmithing, monumental architecture, pyramidal constructions, such as the 26 pyramids of Tucume, Chimu culture that flourished between 1000 to 1200 after JC.
In Chimu language, Chan Chan means “Shining Sun”.
We visit the Tshudi Palace, located in the south-western part of Chan Chan, one of the best preserved. We will walk through its ceremonial squares, totem worships, reservoirs, farms, the council hall, its cemeteries.
Declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1986.
Chan Chan is part of the North East tour.