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Destination Chachapoyas gocta

Chachapoyas is the name of the capital of Amazonas department, located at 2483 m.s.n.m., founded by the Spaniards, it’s a charming Andean town, preserving its traditions, with narrow cobbled streets and extremely friendly locals.

In Quechua: Chachapoyas means “cloud people”.

It’s the name of a pre-Inca culture, totally apart from the other pre-Inca cultures of the Andes and the Pacific coast.

A very warlike Chachapoyas culture, strategically placed on mountain peaks between the Andes and the so-called Amazon eyebrow zone, the slope between the Andes and the Amazon, a natural setting rich in flora and fauna, which changes slightly as we descend to the lower Amazon, we find many birds, butterflies, some hummingbirds like the marvellous spoon-tailed hummingbird.

We know little about this culture, which amazed the Spanish chronicler Pedro Cieza de Leon, because of its white skin, blond hair and blue eyes. There are several hypotheses as to whether the roots of the Chachapoyas are Celtic or Carthaginian.

The Chachapoyas culture existed from the 7th to the 15th century, known as the “Warriors of the Clouds”, and were fierce enemies of the Inca culture.

The archaeological remains we see are numerous and grandiose, starting with the monumental fortress of Kuelap, known as the Machu Pichu of the North, Kuelap, the sites of Karajia, Rebash and the archaeological complex of Gran Villaya, dotted with little-known ruins.

We find picturesque villages like Leymebamba with its Leymebamba seamstresses’ museum; Choctamal, and the Gocta waterfall (3rd highest waterfall in the world).

Chachapoyas is part of the North East tour.

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